速報APP / 音樂與音效 / WMKV 89.3 FM

WMKV 89.3 FM





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:11100 Springfield Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45246

WMKV 89.3 FM(圖1)-速報App

There’s nothing quite like it anywhere! WMKV Radio is your only home for the mix of standards such as Sinatra and Fitzgerald, plus oldies (The Beatles, Elvis, etc.) and Big Band Swing including Miller and Dorsey, all rolled together with nostalgia shows such as Jack Benny and Fibber McGee and Molly! Even newer artists including Michael Buble and some Lady Gaga show up as well. WMKV is hip, cool, and classic! You can listen 24 hours a day at 89.3FM in Cincinnati, Ohio or to our live audio streaming.

WMKV 89.3 FM(圖2)-速報App

WMKV 89.3 FM(圖3)-速報App